World Smart Kids - Guestbook

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Number of entries: 4176 Number of pages: 418
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Submitted by Comments:
Name: Vitamixmsm
From: Vitamixmsm
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, text and illustrations to which
Added: May 13, 2023 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Arnottewh
From: Arnottewh
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Of his works, he is especially famous
Added: May 13, 2023 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Documentyar
From: Documentyar
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elements (case, binding).
Added: May 13, 2023 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Carpetezt
From: Carpetezt
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Middle Ages as in Western
Added: May 13, 2023 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Stanmorelmz
From: Stanmorelmz
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consists of the book itself
Added: May 13, 2023 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Submitted by Comments:
Name: Documenttyb
From: Documenttyb
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way. Handwritten book
Added: May 13, 2023 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Yamahapkt
From: Yamahapkt
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for Countess Louise of Savoy
Added: May 13, 2023 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Ascentppj
From: Ascentppj
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handwritten by the author.
Added: May 13, 2023 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Submitted by Comments:
Name: Mojaveevt
From: Mojaveevt
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way. Handwritten book
Added: May 13, 2023 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Independentnii
From: Independentnii
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handwritten synonym
Added: May 13, 2023 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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